Grades 1-6

Elementary aged children naturally enjoy learning. Who has not met a child that wants to tell everything he has seen or has heard? Children thrive on learning new facts; they have an amazing ability to memorize lots of information, quickly.

Students in the Grammar Stage (roughly grades 1-6) at OHCS build a catalog of useful and truthful information through stories, games, hands-on activities, observations and other methods. There is a strong emphasis on learning to read. Students gain knowledge as they read and are read to. They practice oral reading to improve fluency, clarity and expression, giving them a strong foundation for public speaking. Reading is also used as a tool for character training as students discover good morals and messages of truth guided by their teachers.

Studies include phonics, reading, writing, spelling, penmanship, math, history, science and Bible, Latin, art and music. Our elementary teachers use the Institutes for Excellence in Writing program to teach simple outlining and beginning research techniques. Students then enjoy sharing the facts that they have gathered by giving short speeches, writing simple paragraphs, or presenting a lesson to small groups.

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

The teachers at Oak Hill have an important role in each of their student’s education. It is the job of teachers to excite a love of learning, build godly character, and ensure a foundation of truth in a variety of subjects.

Learn more from the specific curriculum lists:
First Grade Curriculum
Second Grade Curriculum
Third Grade Curriculum
Fourth Grade Curriculum
Fifth Grade Curriculum
Sixth Grade Curriculum
